Kambo is very safe when given by a properly trained practitioner. However there are some conditions for which Kambo is contraindicated. This is not an exhaustive list so its important to consult me prior to treatment if you have any concerns. Suitability for Kambo may occasionally depend on the constitution of the person receiving Kambo. We contraindicate people who:
Kambô is very safe but should always be taken with a properly trained practitioner administering and supervising the treatments at all times. Certain health conditions prevent some people from taking Kambô just like some situations require special precautions.
Please read carefully the following lists, it is very important that you disclose your whole health history with me as your practitioner. If something is not clear or you don’t understand, please ask.
The following may not safely take Kambô:
People with serious heart problems
People who have had a stroke
People on medication for low blood pressure (this is extremely rare)
People who’ve had a brain hemorrhage
People who have aneurysms or blood clots
People who lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo
People with serious mental health problems excluding depression and anxiety
People undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy for 4 – 6 weeks afterward
People who take immune-suppressants for an organ transplant
Women who are pregnant or may be so
Women who are breast-feeding a child under 6 months old
People with Addison’s disease
People with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
People with current and severe Epilepsy
Are recovering from a major surgical procedure
Under 18
Certain situations may require special attention or considerations before, during, or after your treatment. Please inform me as your practitioner if you:
Take immune-suppressants for autoimmune disorders
Are taking any prescription drugs
Have recently stopped taking any medications
Are taking, or have recently stopped taking slimming, serotonin or sleeping supplements
Have an active drug or alcohol addiction
Have recently or currently fasting
Have done any water fasting before Kambô other than the required fasting
Had colonics, enemas, liver flushes, or any water/juice-based detox recently
Chronic health issues: (chronic fatigue, arthritis, migraines, thyroid conditions, etc)
Have any fears/phobias
Have used Bufo Alvarius in the last two months
Have used Iboga in the last two months
Had surgery recently
Had any viral conditions (Lymes, hepatitis, dengue)
Were you born with any heart conditions
Have a history of bulimia or anorexia?
Are diabetic
Have abnormally high/low blood pressure
Have asthma
Are you undergoing fertility treatments?
Are you taking birth control pills?