Greetings Kambo Tribe, Rebecca here~
My mission is to create safe, loving, & sacred healing containers that cultivate experiences for those on a journey of reclaiming health & wellbeing to find their own inner strength and sovereign power for radical transformation and healing from the wellspring of abundance within.
My Story
After spending over a decade in the corporate world as a conscious interior designer, I left a lucrative career to fulfill my soul purpose as a healer and creating an Energy Medicine practice offering a full spectrum of holistic healing modalities based in indigenous ancestral medicine and shamanic energy healing wisdom.
I have spent the last decade on my own healing journey working with indigenous & non-indigenous healers & sacred medicines reconnecting my body, mind, and spirit to the cycles of nature and Divinities of the natural world.
My own journey with Kambo began in 2017 after facing a radical health crisis triggered by burnout from the corporate world.
I was diagnosed with several chronic health conditions, including: thyroid disease, Epstein Barr Virus, Candida overgrowth, infertility, adrenal fatigue, depression & anxiety, and a related autoimmune disorder.
After western medical options showed little promise for healing beyond masking my symptoms, the Kambo frog magically came into my life in divine timing and I found myself receiving incredible benefit and healing from working with this spirit medicine on a regular basis.
In conjunction with complimentary wellness modalities, Kambo helped me overcome these health challenges and also offered me deep emotional and spiritual healing in the process.
Radically transformed on every level, inspired, and empowered by the huge shifts this powerful medicine brought into my life, I felt deeply called to be in service to the spirit of the Kambo frog.
After months of researching the best Kambo Practioner training programs in the world, I embarked on an intensive journey of training and certification with the IAKP (International Association of Kambo Practioners) in the Matses Amazonian tradition of ceremonially sharing the medicine’s healing potential with others.
The IAKP is the largest network of western trained Kambo practioners in the world, and a non-profit organization that encourages the safe, responsible, ethical, and sustainable use of Kambo and aims to give back to the forest and indigenous peoples of the Amazon that so generously share their knowledge with us.
For more information on their mission visit
My Mission
I truly believe that we are all our own inner healers, and the sacred medicines have always been here on Earth to help empower us in remembering this and our Divine Nature by taking back our Power & lives through self care, self healing, and self love.
I humbly live in service to Pachamama (our Earth Mother) and my own calling to this work has led me to learn from the elders and indigenous wisdom keepers of this planet of how to live in harmony and balance with nature through heart centered consciousness and practicing stewardship to the kingdoms and elementals of our lands, airs, and waters.
As a medicine carrier in the Amazonian & Native American shamanic traditions, I weave the multidimensional spirit/energy world into a safe and loving container with one’s wellbeing and safety always prioritized.
Bridging the metaphysical healing potential of this medicine for spiritual/emotional growth and expansion with the western medical lens of scientifically backed research for physical cleansing & healing, I teach both paradigms for working with this medicine for transformation and healing on every level of the mind, body, and spirit.
It is my soul mission to lovingly guide individuals through the collective transformation of raising human consciousness on the planet, healing our wounds, and unlocking our Full Human Potential through sacred ceremonial experiences, energy medicine healing, shamanic journeys, ascension guidance, psychedelic preparation & integration assistance, and Soulcentric transformation coaching.
My Clients
Most of my clients find me intuitively and through word of mouth or a serendipitous discovery orchestrated by the Spirit of the Frog.
Like all spirit medicines, the Spirit of the Kambo Frog has a beautiful way of calling to those when they’re ready to receive its healing and then somehow they hear about me through the channel or person that their most open to receiving the “sign” from at the time.
As an intuitive guide in service to the sacred Frog medicine, I work with each client to determine treatment protocols tailored to one’s specific needs and goals for their own healing journey.
In addition to offering the traditional tribal standard treatments for Kambo, I am well trained and well practiced in offering Kambo energy work that includes working with the Traditional Chinese Medicine Meridian systems of the body, Auricular Ear Therapy treatments, and Ayurvedic & Chakra treatments.
All supporting opportunities for the medicine to target specific areas in the body where emotional traumas, blockages, and diseases may reside.
I’ve had the privilege and honor of witnessing my clients receive radical transformation in their health and wellbeing through working with this medicine.
I support those working with both long term chronic and stubborn illnesses, acute illnesses, or those seeking a master immune system reset and emotional healing support from Kambo.
How to Connect
I currently reside in Austin, Texas offering both private and group Kambo ceremonies and retreats in the Central Texas Hill Country and surrounding areas.
To support my community I offer special events, group Kambo circles, private ceremonies, & healing retreats locally and all over the world.
If you would like to apply for sitting with Kambo in a ceremony, please read and review the contraindications page to ensure you are eligible to receive the medicine at this time.
Once you have read and understand all the potential risks, you may apply for a Kambo cleanse ceremony.
If you have any other questions or would like to reach out, please hit the button below and send me a message.
Many blessings and Viva Kambo, Haux Haux!
In Love, Light & Service,
Rebecca Naylor